Monday, November 17, 2008

Halloween! I am behind posting this, are you really surprised?

We didn't take any pictures Halloween night, but here is Leila testing out her "black scary kitty" costume. She was very frightening, just ask Cassie.
Halloween afternoon we drove to Champaign, IL to visit Cory's brother and family. We got there in time for Uncle Evan to give Leila a lesson in trick or treating, and then we took her out around their neighborhood.
She froze up as soon as we would get to the door at nearly every house we went to. As we approached she would say, "I am going to say trick or treat!" and then the door would open and she was like a deer in headlights. Better luck next year, and she still managed to get plenty of treats!
She was so funny though, when we saw people dressed up in scary costumes she would say, "That's not scary, that is just a fox." During our whole trick or treating adventure she kept repeating it. "That was a nice fox we saw, he wasn't scary." The nice fox she was referringn to was a pretty mean and nasty looking wolf, but she worked very hard to convince herself that he wasn't scary :)

The next day we went to a tailgate and then to the Iowa vs. Illinois football game. Leila enjoyed the tailgate. As you can see from the pictures she tried to take a little rest and she also stuffed her face with grapes. She was terrible during the game. She and I watched it from the concourse because she refused to sit in the bleachers.