Sunday, March 25, 2007

Family time

It is Sunday afternoon, and as much as I hate the fact that tomorrow is Monday, back to work, I love weekends and being able to be with my family.
Yesterday we went to visit Nanny Nancy, who will be Leila's new day care provider. Nancy is a very nice lady, and she has a great set up in her house for watching children. Leila will be one of 6 little girls at her new sitters. I am a little nervous about her being with so many other kids, with only one person for supervision, but Nancy has lots of experience, a very safe area for the kids and she seems to really enjoy what she does.
Leila's first day there will be next Monday, April 2nd. I am going to go with her for the first part of the day, until she seems to be adjusting well to Nancy and the other girls. We hate to leave Marla, Leila's current sitter, but she is moving away with her family when her sister graduates Dental school in May.
After we dropped in to play at Nancy's and let Leila get accustom to being there, we went to Lowe's and bought a new ceiling fan for Leila's room. Daddy installed the fan while Leila and I hung out and watched. It looks really nice, and we already used it today for Leila's nap. It is nearly 80 degrees outside, so Leila is wearing some shorts for the first time this year.
Cory is not feeling well today, maybe a result of the drinking and card playing we did last night with Andrea and Steve after Leila went to bed. Either that or he has some kind of bug, so Leila and I have been hanging out, reading about the Hungry Caterpillar and playing with an endless basket of toys.

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the wonderful weather!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Just because

It is finally starting to get warm outside!!! We have been enjoying the warm weather. We had to clean out the garage to make room for Daddy's new car. We bought a Chevy Equinox a couple of weeks ago, and Cory is loving it.

We also took a quick trip around the block to see some of the other Spring 06 babies. It was funny to see all of the kids together...we stood them up in a line and one of the neighbors took a picture...hopefully we will get a copy of it to share with you all.

Here are some pictures from this week. We have started to explore the world of hair accessories, so maybe we won't hear, "oh what a cute little guy!" At least not as often. :)

Here is Leila helping me hang up all of her clothes and pack away the too small.
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Here she is all ready for church this morning...
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This is what happens right after Mommy picks up the toys so she can vacuum.
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Here she is feeding Zoey. I think this is why Zoey puts up with Leila's tugs on her tail
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And here is Leila's fish face :)
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Monday, March 05, 2007

Big girl

Here are some pictures from dinner tonight...Leila fed herself some yogurt on a spoon! Aunt Karen mentioned that she used thick yogurt to get her kiddos started on spoon feeding so I thought I would give it a try. Leila was very excited :)
You can also see Leila's black eye in these pirctures...

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I told you she was excited...

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

when will winter end?

I am so ready for spring to get here, I can't even express how much I hate winter...snow be gone!
I haven't written in a while because our computer was out of operation, and we finally got everything fixed this weekend.
Leila has been doing some really cute things lately :) She makes this face that I call her frog face. She sticks her tongue out and sucks it back in over and over. She smiles and knows how cute she is!
She has a little car that you can adjust to stand up so that she can hold on to it and walk. She has mastered this now, and pushes her way around the house.
She is eating all grown up foods these days and she loves to feed herself.
We also experienced our first baby injury this weekend. Leila has a little bit of a black eye that she got while playing with her pan on the living room floor. It looks pretty sad, but she got over it fast.

Here are some pictures of our princess :)

She is 10 months old, came across a pacifier in her toy box and NOW decides that she likes to suck on them!
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Leila loves her dog Zoey...she especially likes to harass her while she is lounging around by pulling on her tags. Zoey takes it like a champ!

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We made a trip to Champaign last week and Uncle Evan bribed Leila to hang out with him by giving her his watch.

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Fettuccine Alfredo is good!
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The Coobs family hanging out!
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Much love from the Coobs family, Stay warm! Spring is just around the corner!!!