Sunday, March 11, 2007

Just because

It is finally starting to get warm outside!!! We have been enjoying the warm weather. We had to clean out the garage to make room for Daddy's new car. We bought a Chevy Equinox a couple of weeks ago, and Cory is loving it.

We also took a quick trip around the block to see some of the other Spring 06 babies. It was funny to see all of the kids together...we stood them up in a line and one of the neighbors took a picture...hopefully we will get a copy of it to share with you all.

Here are some pictures from this week. We have started to explore the world of hair accessories, so maybe we won't hear, "oh what a cute little guy!" At least not as often. :)

Here is Leila helping me hang up all of her clothes and pack away the too small.
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Here she is all ready for church this morning...
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This is what happens right after Mommy picks up the toys so she can vacuum.
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Here she is feeding Zoey. I think this is why Zoey puts up with Leila's tugs on her tail
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And here is Leila's fish face :)
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Andrea said...

Leila is turning into a little girl so fast! What a cutie!