Sunday, November 25, 2007


It has been an eventful couple of weeks for us. Shortly after Leila's 18 month appointment she had her first bout of stomach flu. That is definitely the worst we have had to deal with with her. It was so sad, she wanted to eat, but it would make her sick so had to tell her no when she asked for food, that was awful. Luckily it didn't last very long and she was back to her old self in about a day.
She got her picture taken at school, but we haven't gotten them back yet to scan and share here. My mom took her to get her picture taken since picture day was a Friday and Leila spends Friday's at home with my mom. My mom got to meet Leila's teachers and the other kids and she got see Leila singing songs and doing the actions with her class. I think they both had a good time.
Thanksgiving came and went. I was really not looking forward to my first Thanksgiving without Grandma. She was definitely missed, but my family all worked together to make it the best we could and I am sure Grandma was watching over our efforts. We put up Grandpa's Christmas Tree for him and put out some of the Holiday decorations. My Grandma was very into Christmas and she had tons of decorations. We just couldn't bear to think of her house not decked out as she would have it for Christmas. I am sure that when Christmas gets here it will be very hard for us again, but if there is one thing that I have learned in the past few months it is that our family will always be there, even without Grandma, we have each other and that helps bring comfort.
Well, Here are some pictures from our recent trips to Tabor.

Leila found a basket at Grandpa's house that fits her just perfect, she loves to carry it around and sit in it every once in a while :)
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She had lots of fun playing at the Tabor park
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Leila loves her toothbrush. Every morning she meets Daddy in the bathroom before we all take off for the day and they brush their teeth together.
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Here are my two loves :)
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