Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Crafting

 I have a general routine that I follow on my at home days.  We tend to have breakfast and watch cartoons in the morning, and then when Thea goes down for her first nap Leila and I will work on a craft, or we will bake something. Then lunch and cartoons (yes, I realize we watch too much TV)  During Thea's afternoon nap I usually set up Leila to color or do play doh so I can have some quiet time.  Since it is pretty cold these days, we don't get out much to the library and park like during the warmer months, so I try to put some thought into our crafting activities.  I want Leila to look forward to our days at home.

I have been planning to share some of the things that I did with Leila over the last few weeks, but I wanted to wait until after Christmas, since some of the "projects" were gifts.  Here are some of the things we have been up to.

I picked up some cardboard ornaments from Hobby Lobby for Leila to paint.  We got three of them, and the plan was, one for our tree, one for Grandma Lori and Papa Carey, and one for Grandma Sandi and Papa Ed.  I forgot to give them though, so I packed them up with my tree...expect them next year Grandmas! :)

The week before Christmas I picked up a foam floral supply cone, and we used some felt from our craft supply arsenal to put this tree together.  The decorations are simple push pins so aside from hot gluing the star on toy, Leila was able to do most of this project herself!

The last project I am going to share was a biggie.  For the daycare providers I always try to come up with a gift that they will enjoy, that doesn't cost too much, since we have lots of people who care for our daughters in a daycare center.  This year we had 13 people that we wanted to gift.   I also like to give gifts that Leila can help with.  This year I got an idea from a message board friend to make layered jar gifts.  We made each one of the daycare providers a cookie mix and a soup mix.  It ended up costing a bit more than I had hoped, as the soup had a couple of more expensive ingredients, but it was still a manageable cost, and Leila enjoyed helping, and delivering the gifts that we had made.


I am not planning to post the recipes, but I will if requested.