Friday, March 19, 2010

Thea girl

Andrea and I took Thea with us today while the big kids went to daycare.  From the moment that I loaded her into Sawyer's big kid, forward facing car seat, you could see in her face that she felt like hot stuff!  Every time I looked back at her in the back seat she would give me a big grin and a giggle, and I loved that she felt special. After a morning of shopping we went to lunch at the Olive Garden, just the three of us.  I watched my big girl sitting in her high chair and I realized how much this day meant to me.  I now know that I need to take more time with Thea alone, and not let her position as second child mean that she is just an add on to what we have already built, but also a really special little girl who needs attention all on her own too.  Or maybe it is Mommy that needs to focus more on my individual children, but either way, I had a great day with my little girl, and I look forward to more days like this, and some big girls days as well! :)  Life is good and I am going to pretend it isn't snowing tonight and my bank account isn't empty.