Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Funday!

I feel like it has been a long time since I have really put anything on this blog. Winter has been a dull season of cold and I haven't felt too inspired lately. With the great thaw starting to set in I am happy to post about a fun adventure that we went on today. I love free fun, and the raptor center was definitely worth the trip, even after our long walk and cold noses. And the beautiful sunshine made 45 degrees feel pretty nice.

One of the owls!

The cutest of all of the owls.

Tired baby

Never tired baby

Leila really enjoyed the birds. Tonight when I laid down in bed with her and asked her about the best and worst part of her day, she told me that the best part was seeing almost all of her family, and the worst part was feeling sad for the birds with hurt feet and wings. She is such a sweet little thing.

My high for today? Getting to enjoy the outdoors in reasonable temps. The low - Had to be when at dinner with Grandma Sandi and Papa Ed Leila said that she still didn't know how babies get in their mommy's tummies. I told her to ask me again later and I would explain, lets see how long it takes for her to ask.