Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Leila's First Christmas

Just a quick update to put down some thoughts about Leila's First Christmas...Everything went really well. Leila did great considering that she was low on sleep and high on activity!
Christmas Eve both mine and Cory's families came over for some snacks before we all headed off to church. Church was very good, as it always is on Christmas Eve...a wonderful service to really pull to the front of your mind the reason for the celebration. Leila got some great toys and clothes from Cory's parents and sister Donna and was off to bed at about hour and a half past her normal bed time. Christmas morning came and after breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Coobs we all headed off to Lowden for our Howard family Christmas morning, where Leila got a bunch more toys and clothes and spent the day getting constant attention from her loving family. Here are some pictures from the events...

Me, Cory and Leila before Church
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Leila's special gift from Grandpa Howard...a homemade rocking horse!
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Leila taking a Christmas snooze with her new train under the Christmas tree
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And last but not least...Leila in her Christmas outfit from Aunt Donna, sitting in her new kiddie couch.
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