Monday, January 15, 2007

snow :(

It is January 15th and we have finally gotten our first snow storm of the year. I can't say that I am excited about it, I hate snow. Cory and I both have today off of work for MLK Day, so we have spent it hanging out at home, doing laundry and using our new vacuum cleaner.

Leila's sleeping habits have really improved lately. We have to give a lot of the credit Marla, Leila's babysitter. She has been working with her at nap times, and she lets her cry...something that I have had a hard time doing, though I think it is necessary. Today Leila took a two hour nap, in her crib. Yes, in the crib! AND last `night she slept 8 hours, in her crib. Shocking I know. We are almost there and it is beautiful, now if only she would do this long enough for me to get used to it and actually sleep through the night instead of waking up and wondering what she is up to.

I have been planning to update and kept forgetting since new years. New Years Eve we drove back from Tabor through a snow storm (no fun). When we got home we hosted a small get together with some friends. It was nice to have people to hang out with at home since it really isn't cool to bring your baby to the bar with you. Here is a picture of Leila and her friend Bryce hanging out on the kiddie couch on New Years Day.

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Here are a few other pictures since it has been a while...

Here is proof that we really needed the baby gate :)
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Here is Leila sitting on the car that Great Grandma and Grandpa Howard got her for Christmas...I think this is her favorite new toy!
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And here is Leila giving mommy a of her new tricks.
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~*Sara*~ said...

Those photos are too cute!! Awwwwwwww kisses!

I don't like snow at all. I'm from Florida, I like the sun! I hope you don't get any more this year.