Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New Year

The Howard/Coobs/Smith family decided to start the new year off right this year. We spent last Sunday preparing a meal for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City.
We had a pretty good experience, it was stressful making sure that we had enough food and getting everything done in time, but we got a lot of thank yous and I appreciated being able to offer something to families that are under a lot of stress.

My next project on my quest to do more good things for other people this year will take place in February. Andrea and I have signed up to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity in Iowa City. This is another good cause that I am excited to be able to help out with. If you want to read more about the project we are going to be working on, there is info here: http://www.womenbuild2.blogspot.com/ .

I will try to post some of Leila's 9 month pictures this week after I have a chance to scan them. They turned out really good, and Leila had a good time. She is getting to be such a big girl...she sleeps all night long in her own bed and loves to give kisses and clap her hands...I can't believe that she is only 3 months away from being a 1 year old! Where does the time go?!?!?!

At her 9 Month check up she was in the 90th %ile for everything...weight, height and head circumference. She was 21 lbs 10 ounces, 28.5 inches long.

I am on my way to reaching my one year of nursing goal!!