Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Leila's Build a Burger Birthday Party

Assessing the loot. I think she did very well! :)

Opening her Slinky. I asked her later what her favorite gift was...she told me the slinky was her favorite. I should have saved my money on that leapfrog computer thing I guess.

Leila really wanted the cupcake off of her carebear's tummy. Forget the fact that it is at least twice the size of the rest of the only have a birthday once a year right?

This is the face that Leila makes when you sing happy birthday to her. She sure looks like she enjoys it, huh?! :)

Cory and I hosted a birthday party for our big 3 year old last weekend. We are extreme dorks, who also happen to really like to eat, especially meat. We decided to switch things up a bit from our typical weekend grilling. Cory would probably tell you that his favorite restaurant is Red Robin, so we used the many burger options of RR to inspire us. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed some great burgers with some unconventional condiments. Of course Leila didn't care one bit about the food, well aside from the cake. The cake she REALLY cared about. She has been telling me for months that she wants a Carebear cake so Grandma Lori whipped one up for us. (Thanks Mom!).

For me, the highlight of the party would definately have to be Leila's enthusiasm for her presents. Even last Christmas she wasn't that into gifts. I mean, she likes getting new toys, but she didn't really get worked up about it. On Saturday we had her presents stacked on her little Ikea table and she was caught red handed sitting in her little chair with a present, and her back turned to the room, trying to hide the fact that she was sneaking a peak! What a stinker! She later tried to sneak a different present into her bedroom so she could rip into it and when it was finally time for presents, she was SUPER excited. In true kid fashion every time she came across a package of clothing, she barely gave it a look as she tossed it aside for the next present. A little bratty, yes, but I still enjoyed it and Leila had a great day. We are all so thankful for our family, but Leila is especially thankful for the toys they buy her. ;)