Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dear Leila

It seems like every day you amaze me in a new way. I remember when you were a tiny baby in my arms and watching your little brown eyes exploring the world around you would set my mind wondering what you could possibly be thinking about. Now I have the joy of your voice to fill me in on just what is going on in that little head of yours.
When it is my turn to tuck you in at night I like to lay down in your bed next to you and curl up under the covers. You like to ask me what the best part of my day was. Most of the time my answer has something to do with you and your sister. The worst part of my day is generally something related to my work. But you, my sweet girl always have a hard time deciding what the best part of your day was. Sometimes it is time spent at school with your friends, and sometimes it is the memory of a family activity. I love how no matter how rough of an evening we may have had, or how hard you fought us about trying your dinner, your answer to the question about the worst part of your day is nearly always, "My day didn't have a worst part, it was all good."
When I think about my life, and how things have changed over the last five years, the world is a totally different place to me, because you are in it. There is no worst part when I get to be your mama.

Love you baby girl.