Friday, July 10, 2009

This week I had to spend a night away from my family to travel for work. Someone I work with asked me about my baby and how she was doing, as he also told me about his seven month old son. When I asked him what his wife did, he replied,"She stays home with our baby. I don't want someone else raising my kid." Ouch.


Always, Laura said...

What a butt! He obviously knew you work and have kids.
Please tell me you said something back to him.

Tricia said...

I didn't say anything...blah, It is something that I am already really insecure about, and given that I was away from my baby for the first time, even talking about the situation may have made me cry!

Always, Laura said...

A great response is 'So your wife didn't trust you to raise your child.'
Add to your arsenal there is nothing wrong with what you are doing.

Jessica said...

Ouch indeed! I hope that's what he said when he felt his foot kicking his own teeth.