Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Birth Day Book

I recently finished reading this book and I had to post about it. The Author is a pediatrician named Mark Sloan, and here is the book:

This book was truly amazing! I haven't really been into reading books in the last few years with everything else that I have going on, but lately I have rediscovered the public library as a great "Mommy Day" Activity when I am home with the girls, and as a wonderful resource for information on whatever I happen to be interested in learning more about that day.
I tend to read non fiction books. I generally feel that if I am going to take the time to read a book, I want it to be filled with truth...I can create my own fiction, but good informative prose feels like a good use of my reading time.
On the day that I discovered "Birth Day" I was browsing through the new books section of the library and since I am a mother who recently gave birth, this book drew my attention. I have to say though, that this was such a really interesting read that I would recommend it to anyone, no matter what your experience is with childbirth.
The book is filled with interesting medical information about the process of childbirth as a child goes from fetus to newborn and also includes lots of interesting historical information. I had always kind of wondered how it happens that a baby goes from living in a bag of water to breathing air in no time flat and now I know, and you can too!
On top of everything else, the Author adds a personal anecdotal touch to his book, that really keeps you engaged. Definitely check out this book, I can't recommend it enough!