Saturday, August 29, 2009

Building Memories

This morning Cory wasn't feeling well, and I decided to brave taking the girls downtown by myself to get us out of the house. I titled this post building memories because on days like today when the task of two little kids all by myself at a crowded outdoor event seems too overwhelming, I have to remind myself that I am building memories for Leila and I want her to remember doing fun and unusual things, not watching cartoons (which she already does too much of!) This event is called Sand in the City, and it was really cool! Lots of giant sand sculptures to see, and we got to watch them working on carving out a herky! Aside from the sculptures they also had a couple of giant sand piles for the kids to plan in and some other games and balloons. So out we went! Just mom, Leila, Thea one umbrella stroller and my Ergo baby carrier. The Ergo is nothing short of a lifesaver, I don't think Leila would get to do nearly as many fun things if I didn't have the option of wearing Thea in a baby carrier. Thea even seems to really like it, so much that has been known to take a snooze or two in her cozy carrier!
Here are some pictures of Leila and the sand experience:

And this is how Thea has been traveling these day! :)

Cindy and I took the kids to the Childrens museum on a rainy day this week. They had a lot of fun shopping in the city market and Leila made me lunch at the pizza parlor. Great fun was had by all...taking 4 kids under 3 years anywhere can be a challenge, but we had lots of fun!

My dad the handyman made this frog pull toy for me to give to a good friend of mine's 1 year old son. My job was to paint it, and as much as it pained me to let Leila paint, I gave in and let her have a turn. I would post a finished product picture, but it isn't finished yet :)