Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sounds like life to me

We spent a week in Missouri visiting with family and hanging out by the lake. Thea and I had a very relaxing week of napping and hanging out in a cabin where I didn't have to think about my mess and all of things I need to do around my house, so I had a very nice relaxing time in spite of the fact that we didn't spend much time out and about. The rest of the family had a great time out on the lake in Dad's boat and with Uncle Randy's jet ski's.
Thea did take her first boat ride, a short little cruise around the lake. Since the water is so smooth down there, it was nice to get to take her out. The water on the reservoir up here is always very choppy and I wouldn't feel comfortable having my little baby jostled around in a boat.
Unfortunately, the day before we left for our trip Cory's Dad suffered a stoke. We decided to go ahead with our trip as he seemed to be doing pretty well on Saturday morning. Things turned badly for a bit but Ed seems to be recovering very well and you would never guess that a week ago he was in a very sensitive medical state. He is still in the Hospital at the University and Cory and I and Thea came back early from vacation to spend some time with him. We expect him to be released next week and then he will have some therapy. Leila stayed with Grandma Lori and Papa Carey and continued to enjoy her wonderful vacation eating chips, playing on the boat and staying up way too late. When Dani asked Leila what her favorite part of vacation was she responded with, "My family!" That makes me feel really good, and I think the rest of the family would agree.
I have some pictures that I will try to add later when we locate our card reader, including pictures of fun on the boat, and Leila's first (and unsuccessful) fishing experience.

Cory and I have decided to take on a big project this fall that is going to keep us from getting ready to list our house. So we have decided that to save ourselves some stress we are just going to put off our plans to move for now. So our new plan is to work on getting Thea to sleep in the crib in Leila's room. Once we have that worked out, I think I will feel a little better about staying put for a while. Maybe this way we can afford more of what we want in a house by the time we are able to get around to selling.

We heard this song on the radio during our long trek back to North Liberty on Thursday and Cory and I agreed that this about sums up our feelings lately...things will slow down sometime, right?