Wednesday, January 06, 2010

2010 Project

I really want a camera.  I have been wanting one for quite a while, but it is so hard to set aside that kind of money for something that isn't a *need* when we have so many other things to buy for our family, not to mention our new house dreams!  I want to make this a priority, without sacrificing for my family.  I have a few different ideas on how to get there.

1.  I have an account at a consignment store.  The money I bring in selling my items, will go to the camera fund.
2. Giving up small expenditures, and instead adding money to the camera fund (Instead of going to Subway for lunch, eat at home and stick the 5 bucks in my fund!)

3. Setting goals for myself, and rewarding  progress with bucks for the fund!

I found this on another blog I read, and I have modified it to fit my life.  Each time I accomplish one of these things, a dollar goes into the fund...This is an initial list of 50, but I may add items as I think of them.

Wish me luck! I will be tracking this post on my sidebar to keep track of where I am.

1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day for three weeks (0/21)

2. Work out 3 times a week (A dollar a week!)

3. No fast food for one month (0/30)

4. No beer/alcohol for one month (0/30)

5. No fried foods for a month (0/30)

6. Stop eating chips for one month (0/30)

7. A day without pop (A dollar a day!)

8. Finish Couch to 5K program (I think this deserves a bonus...maybe 50 bucks?)

9. Self Breast Exam each month (0/12)

10. Try a vegetable I have never had

11. Grow and eat my own veggies

12. Go a week with no carry out

13. Unplug' for 3 evenings a week - no Internet, no TV

14. Set up weekly cleaning routine schedule

15. Stick to weekly cleaning routine (0/52)

16. Make my bed every day for a month (0/30)

17. Organize and back-up all digital photos

18. Work a volunteer shift at the food pantry

19. Attend Church service

20. Read a book

21. Complete an online PMP Prep module

22. Find a podcast related to work and listen to it once a week

23. Make cookies and mail some to someone I am thinking of

24. Take a trip to visit my brother

25. Go on a girls night out

26. Go on a date with my husband

27. Send a random gift to a friend

28. Send a card to someone I've lost touch with

29. Send Christmas Cards

30. Visit a brewery

31. Visit a winery

32. Not log into facebook for a whole week.

33. Blog every day for 30 days straight (11/30)

34. Blog about items I complete on my list

35. Read Bible every day for one month (0/30)

36. Donate to Charity

37. Donate blood

38. Take the girls somewhere fun/educational that they have never been to (1)

39. Make a homemade gift

40. Pay off the credit card

41. Freeze 5 meals for later use

42. Deliver homemade dinner to a friend

43. Spend a day with just Leila

44.  Spend a day with just Thea

45. Take the kids on a picnic

46.  Visit a park we haven't been to

47.  Try a new work out 3 times (0/3)

48.  30 days with no Candy (0/30)

49.  Teach Leila a new game or song

50.  Sew something I haven't made before

51. Visit a zoo

52. Call a family member I don't often talk to

53.  Make a new craft project with Leila


Jessica aka Mommy said...

great idea...i might have to try this too. some of them look hard, but you can do it!!!

Always, Laura said...

Good Luck!!
I am always working on #17!! I think I have it though because it is a new year so for this year so far all my photo are organized... mainly because they are still on my camera but still organized...

Maureen Hrdlicka said...

I'm usually just a lurker...but I loved this post. What a great way to reward yourself with something you'd love to have by treating yourself better by doing all 50! I might have to try this out too!