Sunday, March 02, 2008


Today it was nearly 60 degrees outside!!!!
I took Zoey out for an outdoor run. It was nice to get out and not run around in circles at the rec center, but it was definitely noticeably harder to run outdoors than in. I can't wait until it is spring and I can run outside when I want and not come home with soaking wet feet from running through puddles. The puddles are annoying, but they are also a sign of the MELTING SNOW!!!

We spent some time outside this afternoon to enjoy the warmth and we took some pictures for your viewing enjoyment.

We will start with some randoms from Grandma day. My mom watches Leila on Fridays, and I guess this week Leila decided to emulate Zoey by resting on the back of the couch. (Yes, we have a cat dog.)

Aunt Cassie frequently comes by to see Leila and Grandma. Leila is wearing an outfit made by Grandma Lori, including the hat that I can't believe she kept on long enough for a picture!


For some reason, Leila really digs wearing our shoes. This time she found Mommy's shoes and decided to take them for a walk.


Here is Leila's alter ego, Naked Baby. She likes to play in just her diaper, and when she does she says, "I'm Naked Baby!!!" It is really funny, and I tried to get video of her saying it, but she won't do it with the camera on!


This week Leila helped me sort out the pots and pans cupboard. I figured she would be excited to get to take out all of the pans, and I was right.


Here is my sweetie lounging in her purple chair like a big girl.

And finally to the outside pictures. First of all, this is what our mailbox currently looks like. Considering it is almost 60 degrees and it has been melty outside for a few days now, this is pretty ridiculous.

Leila likes to pick up the ice chunks and throw them so they break on the sidewalk :)


And last but not least, after a tricycle ride around the driveway Leila enjoyed picking through the rocks.

Come on and get here spring!


Anonymous said...

I got her to put the hat on by saying, "If you put on your hat, I'll read you a book."