My sister Cassie has been living with us since sometime early this year...before Thea was born. She had kind of a crappy living situation and were more than happy to coerce her to move in here with us to escape the creepy roommate and not have to pay rent at two places.
So anyway, today is a very sad day for me...Cassie is moving on to her next home. When I moved out of my parents house in 1999 Cassie was 13 years old. We didn't have much in common, and I think we irritated one another more than anything else. Over the past ten years a lot has changed, and the 5 year age difference between us seemed like much more of a real difference back then. After being blessed with a few short months sharing a roof with my little sister again I feel like I had the opportunity to get to know Cassie the woman, and realized how much we have in common, and how much I like her.
Cassie is great friend. It was interesting for me to hear about our childhood through her eyes, something that I hadn't really heard before. Maybe the best part of having a Cassie was the help. She has been a lifesaver during these months with a new baby around and a very active 3 year old. It is kind of like having a sister wife that you don't have to share your husband with! I have had it good, and I haven't taken it for granted. I think that decades from now I will remember this time that we had together and I will be happy to have had the pleasure of sharing my home with my sister. Cassie is pretty awesome, even aside from the help around the house and with the babies, she is funny, smart and beautiful and one day she is going to make one amazing mother.
I love my Cassie, but I think Leila will miss her the most. Cassie's new house is only across town though, so she best plan on making frequent visits so we can all get our Cassie fix in.
I feel like I should have more to say, but right now I am just not feeling inspired, so I will just say this-- Everyone should have a Cassie.
4 years ago
Thank you!
I really love you!
Aww...Long time reader, first time commenter (sorry if you think me reading your blog is creepy, you're a really fun blogger!), and I feel like I can relate to this with my older sisters as well. I've realized the same with my sisters; that they're more than just a family member, but a great friend too! :)
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